Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Iraq War continues, Clemens appears before Congress but has no intentions to bring steroids to our troops in Iraq

Michael Corleone demands an apology!

If you haven't seen a TV or listened to an AM sports-talk radio station in the past hour or two, Roger Clemens and his ex-trainer Brian McNamee are testifying live before Congress. This coverage is currently running on 7 channels simultaneously on Comcast cable. It's fucking surreal, and not like the bullshit VH-1 show that brought Flava Flav back from the dead. It's very much like a combination of a feature length Law & Order movie and the Congressional hearings scenes From Godfather (Part 2).

Clemens and McNamee are sitting at opposite ends of a long table giving each other the occasional look of death. They have a buffer zone of about a million lawyers and other jerkoffs in between them but non of the jerkoffs are even allowed to speak. These Congressmen ain't fuckin around, they're making speeches like Al Pacino at the climax of any movie he's made since 1990. They won't allow any lawyers to talk and they are demanding that their witnesses answer questions directly and immediately. No word as of yet how they are going to work commercial breaks in. Maybe Clemens has a couple timeouts or a coach's challenge flag or something.

The best part about this is that there are two best parts now that I think about it. First off, today is the day that NFL commissioner Roger Goodell is meeting PA Senator Arlen Spector on Capitol Hill regarding Spygate. Wonder if the NFL somehow set this up because nobody is covering Spygate and everybody wants to know about what drugs Roger Clemens shoots in his ass. Secondly, does anybody else find it hysterical that all of these Congressmen (and women) are all saying that they only have a couple of minutes and they have to move on because they have other urgent business. I've been on Capitol Hill. Everybody is running around but nobody is actually doing anything. These people are all probably just pissed that their 3 hour lunch was interrupted. Or they realized that a lot of people are questioning why a government of a country at war is worried about what Roger Clemens injected into his ass.

Does anybody else feel like Brian McNamee is gonna disappear soon and his wife is gonna get a "Sicilian Message"?

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